DebugWindow is a utility that mimics the Windows 3.x program of the same name.
It allows you to easily print out display strings during the development stages of
your program without any of the headaches normally associated with built-in
"standard I/O" functions.
DebugWindow's features:
• full "printf()" functionality for C programmers without any added coding on
your part
• will remember its location and size on the screen across sessions
• no more hassles of trying to incorporate Think C's "stdio" window
in with your pure Toolbox code
• allows you to save any information that you've printed into its window to a
TeachText document
• callable from either Think C or Hypercard
How does DebugWindow work?
DebugWindow is made up of 2 pieces. The first is the stand-alone program that sits quietly in the background waiting for an Apple Event to come along for it. The second piece is either (a) a very small ".lib" file that you include in your Think C (5.x or 6.x)
project or (b) a code resource that you copy into your Hypercard stack with ResEdit. These pieces contain the "Debug()" function that you call whenever you want to display a string to the DebugWindow. The "DebugWindow.Lib" file is totally self-contained; all you need to do to add the functionality to your C program is:
• Add the "DebugWindow.Lib" file to your Think C project
• #include "Debug.h" in each of your source files that needs it.
• if you're not already using one of the ANSI libraries in your
project, you'll need to add the ANSI-Small library.
• make sure that the "High Level Events" flag is checked in your
"Set Project Type / Size" resource.
or to your Hypercard stack:
• use ResCopy or ResEdit to copy the code resource "xDebug" into your
Hypercard stack.
That's it! Now you can place Debug (or xDebug) statements throughout your C or Hypercard program whenever you feel the need. For example:
void MyFunction (short xPos, short yPos)
Debug ( "Doing MyFunction() routine: position is %d,%d\n", xPos, yPos );